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10 Epic Failed New Year Resolutions ( & how to beat them)

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2017 flew like a falcon, and before we knew it 2018 is here, full of a new flare and opportunities. We are pretty sure you had some solid resolutions in the beginning of 2017 which went awry somewhere in the middle. Here is a look at some of the epic failed New Year Resolutions.

Don’t read them alone, share this article with your friends and let them have a laugh too.

Failed Resolution No. 1: I am going to Spend less and Save more

This one had to top our list of failed New Year Resolutions. Blame it on the rising prices, or the extra burger that you had. Controlling your expenses is a daunting task. We are often left at the end of the month figuring out where the money went.

Pro Tip: Download a budget and expenses planning app.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 2: I am going to Eat Healthy this year

You promise to yourself, that whatever goes into your tummy, will be Fat-free. But who can resist a good old slice of Pizza, or some saucy spaghetti with meatballs?

Pro Tip: Want tasty and healthy food? Then try Organic.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 3: I am going to Spend more time with Loved ones

Blame it on our busy schedules and the workaholic nature of our life, or sheer negligence, we have stopped making time for our families.

Pro tip: Plan regular meetups and house parties to stay connected with friends and family.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 4: I am going to Discover New places

Again, the workaholic-ness is to blame. We hardly get time to snuggle out of bed, so we could plan a weekend getaway.

Pro Tip: Take out the calendar and search for long weekends and Google cheap flights and train schedules.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 5: I am going to Stress less and have a Positive outlook on life

Stress is unavoidable, and it’s scary as to how much it has entangled itself in our lives. We often allow negativity to creep in and keep ourselves depressed and grumpy.

Pro Tip: Take a Calm walk in the park or along the beach alone to focus on your life goals and train your mind not to stress.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 6: I am going to Learn a New Skill

How many times have you passed the karate class and said to yourself ” I am going to get admitted soon”? Replace soon with NOW, and focus on actually learning the new thing.

Pro Tip: Stay committed and persistent and you’ve got it.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 7: I am going to Loose weight

Yes, we can already see you nodding your head and smiling on this one. Come January, we see the gyms full to the brim, Come July, there’s just a bunch of models and athletes.

Pro Tip: Make a Monthly fitness calendar, and stick to your goals, break down your progress into stages.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 8: I am going to improve my grades/ work performance

We all set our mind clocks into thinking, this year we’ll go give our best. Be it work or studies, we feel we can conquer the world. But somewhere in the middle, one bad remark puts us back where we started from.

Pro tip: Don’t falter, continue working hard, even better, work smarter. Results will show up eventually.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 9: I am going to be more Punctual and Disciplined

The traffic is not to be blamed, nor is the alarm clock.

Pro Tip: Get yourself out of bed at sunrise and Strech those sore muscles. Go on, get dressed, and Show up.

failed New Year Resolutions

Failed Resolution No. 10: I will Drink more water.

This is a SERIOUS one. A lot of imbalance happens in life because we neglect the importance of H2O.

Pro tip: Drink up and do some Kegel to avoid frequent trips to the WC.

failed New Year Resolutions


Smash your failed New Year Resolutions in 2018, and work on being your best. Most of all don’t forget to enjoy life as you go.

Twitter: Cookifiapp



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