Kitty Parties are awesome. You don’t have to be a big socialite to host or participate in one. Kitty parties are a nice way to get in touch with friends and catch up on some laughter and gossips. Usually these parties involve a funding game but you can skip that if you like.
So what makes a Kitty Party tick? Read these guidelines so that you can set foot forward and host the best Kitty Party for your girlfriends.
1: Theme it up
You Don’t want your kitty party to be a boring affair. Think of an unusual theme, which is fun and a little challenging. A theme like Arabian Princesses, Red all over me, Angels and devils are common examples. Altogether the theme should be enjoyable. Once you set the theme the whole party can be planned around it. An interesting theme will make your party different and fun to attend.
2: Food-a-licious delights
Food is an important part of any party, plan on what you are going to offer the girls. Start with a little Curacao Cool Blue and starters, next stir up some delicious main course and finally proceed for the dessert.
The party should be a cakewalk(pun intended) once the food is decided. Plan your meals with Cookifi, and get help of a professional chef to do the cooking part. Get some elaborate and exquisite dishes and Menus, this will get you a lot of admiration
3: Shake a leg
What is a party without some fun? Make a list of Games and decide which ones to play. Keep some cards, boards and game equipment ready. The most popular games played at kitty parties are card games and board games.
Make a Mix tape of favorite dance songs, run a CD of some soft music to be playing in the background. You could as well arrange to screen an all time favorite movie.
4: Inform and Educate
Don’t just stop at entertainment. Utilize the time at your party to teach or learn something new. Nowadays everyone is interested to learn Cooking, DIY, Makeup and Life hacks. Discuss about matters of social importance and how can you as a woman improve the conditions. The guests should feel that they have learnt something of importance.
5: Dress up and put on a Smile
Make sure you look perfect, you are the star of the party. Wear light makeup, kitty parties are usually in day time. Be your cheerful best, welcome everyone with an affectionate smile, warmly and friendly. Take time to go and talk to each guest personally, sticking with just one or two will be very rude.
Keep conversations light and brief, remember to have fun its your party after all. Thank the guests before they leave.
So, when are you hosting the next the next kitty party?
What do you think?